Spring is (almost) here!

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The little ones are so excited for spring to come! They have been inside all winter and finally got to go outside last week to enjoy the warm weather. To celebrate the beginning of spring we started an indoor garden.

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We are using a Growums kit to grow a pizza garden! The kit came with tomato, basil, oregano, and bell pepper seeds, pellets, and a tray. The girls planted the seeds, and every few days we get an email from one of the Growums characters with the next steps for our garden.

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The girls are probably most excited about the lima beans in our Exploration table. They love pretending to tend to their own garden! Since we are growing so many seeds elsewhere, they are allowed to explore these seeds in whatever way they choose. The seeds are starting to sprout, so the girls are exploring the roots and shoots, watering the seeds, and planting and replanting them.

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S, our class botanist, is responsible for taking care of our other seeds that require a bit more care. She waters our grass, the Growums seeds, and some of the lima beans that we have kept separate. She also is in charge of monitoring our plants to alert the class of any new growth.

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