Cricut Explore

Cricut Explore

As an end-of-school year gift to myself, I decided to buy a Cricut! Last summer I spent hours at a friend’s house, using her Cricut to cut out anything I thought I could possibly use on a bulletin board the following year. But after spending way too much time on cutting out materials for the…

Book Review: Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning

Book Review: Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning

At my school, teachers are assigned summer reading. This summer we are reading, Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning by Mike Schmoker. This is my least favorite book that I have read through my school thus far. Schmoker’s ideas are sound–teach only the most important standards, implement frequent checks for understanding, dramatically…

Book Review: Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood

Book Review: Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood

One thing that I absolutely love about my school is the culture of collaboration. Our most recent endeavor is a preschool teachers’ book club! Our first book was Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood: Practical Parenting from Birth to Six Years. Even though the book is geared for parents, it is also great for teachers…